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Why Personal Discipline is the Key to Unlocking Business Success

October 01, 20243 min read

"Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently" Marie Forleo

Dear Reader,

We’ve all had days where we don’t feel like doing the work—whether it’s writing that next blog post, reaching out to potential clients, or working through your marketing strategy. But the truth is, discipline is what separates those who succeed from those who fall short—especially in business.

If you’re building a personal brand, your discipline is your business. There’s no boss telling you to get things done, no one monitoring your productivity.

It’s just you, your plan, and your ability to execute.

The Difference Between Motivation and Discipline

Motivation is great, but it’s unreliable. One day you’ll feel motivated and inspired, ready to tackle everything on your to-do list. But what about the days when you wake up tired, uninspired, or just plain exhausted?

That’s when discipline comes in.

Discipline is showing up for your business—even when you don’t feel like it. It’s doing what you know needs to be done because you’ve made a commitment to yourself and your goals.

Here’s the hard truth: If you rely on motivation alone, you’ll only get so far. Discipline is what helps you push through those inevitable tough days and keep moving forward.

Discipline is Built on Your Thoughts

But here’s the secret to becoming more disciplined—it all starts with your thoughts. If you wake up feeling tired or unmotivated, take a second to examine what you’re thinking.

Are you telling yourself that it’s too hard? That it won’t work? That you’re not good enough?

Your thoughts drive your feelings, and your feelings drive your actions.

If your thoughts are focused on obstacles, your actions will reflect that.

You’ll avoid doing the work, procrastinate, or distract yourself with unimportant tasks.

But when you train your mind to focus on the goal—on the big picture—you’ll find the energy and discipline to get through the day-to-day tasks that lead to success.

How to Build Discipline and Transform Your Results

  1. Get clear on your priorities: Not everything on your to-do list will move your business forward. Focus on the activities that directly impact your growth and income, and stay disciplined about getting them done.

  2. Create non-negotiable routines: Discipline thrives on routine. Whether it’s a morning routine that sets the tone for your day or a work schedule that keeps you on track, creating structure will help you build consistency.

  3. Practice awareness: The next time you find yourself procrastinating or avoiding a task, pause and ask yourself what thoughts are driving that behavior. Are you focusing on how hard it is? On the fear of failing? Shift your thoughts toward the outcome you’re working toward.

Discipline is the Secret Sauce

At the end of the day, the entrepreneurs who succeed aren’t necessarily the ones who have the most talent, the best marketing, or the perfect offer.

They’re the ones who consistently show up and do the work.

This is why so many small businesses fail—not because the owner doesn’t have a great idea or product, but because they lack the discipline to keep moving forward.

But here’s the good news: discipline is a skill you can build. And when you combine it with the right strategies, your business will become unstoppable.

If this is something you struggle with, know that you’re not alone. It’s a challenge for many, especially when you're building your business from scratch. But the more you invest in building your discipline—and yourself—the greater your chances of success.

And remember, discipline doesn’t have to be a lonely road. You can get support, whether it’s through mindset tools like the THINK Framework or being part of a community like the BFF Club, where you’re surrounded by people who understand the journey and help keep you accountable.

Because building a business isn’t just about external strategies—it’s about building the version of you who can create that success.

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