The Profitable Coach BLOG

Liz at a desk writing in her diary

Why Your Business is a Reflection of You

September 24, 20243 min read

"The business you build will never outgrow the person you become." — unknown

Dear Reader,

If you’ve ever felt like your business isn’t progressing the way you want it to, there’s something important you need to consider:

you are your business.

Especially as a personal brand, there is no separation between the two. If your life is chaotic, unorganized, or off track, chances are your business will reflect those same qualities.

It’s easy to focus on external strategies—marketing techniques, funnels, new tools—but the truth is, the way you think, act, and live every day directly affects your business outcomes.

You Can’t Outperform Your Mindset

One of the most crucial truths I’ve learned, both in my personal journey and through working with entrepreneurs, is that you can’t outperform the way you think. If you have self-doubt, fear of failure, or patterns of procrastination in your personal life, those will show up in your business.

Let’s face it: running a business is hard work, but so is the inner work that needs to be done to make your business thrive.

You can't build a six-figure business while carrying around a five-figure mindset.

It doesn’t matter if you have the best strategy or a perfectly executed marketing plan. If you’re constantly dealing with self-sabotage or negative thought patterns, it’s going to hold you back. Mindset matters—and this is the first pillar of my THINK Framework.

How Do You Start to Change?

  • Identify your blind spots: These are the thought patterns or behaviors that may be sabotaging your business. Maybe you keep putting off launching that product or avoid following up with potential clients because you fear rejection. Being aware of your blind spots is the first step to overcoming them. And sometimes you can't even see them, so make sure you get feedback or listen in to what people 'say' to you... there are clues there.

  • Change your habits: How you do one thing is how you do everything. If you’re constantly chaotic in your personal life, not following through on commitments or procrastinating, guess what? It’s going to show up in your business. Start building small, disciplined habits every day. These habits will compound over time and create big changes.

  • Be willing to do the hard now: The biggest hurdle for many entrepreneurs is the discipline it takes to stay the course. But the hard things you do today—whether it's sticking to a routine, getting uncomfortable, or working on yourself—will make things easier in the future.

If your life isn’t going according to plan, it’s time to start asking, why would my business?

Now be careful here with the 'why questions' they seldom give you the right answer, your brain is only too happy to fill in negative answers, better to day, 'what can I do today to make my business where I need it to be", what questions are better.....

Building Yourself to Build Your Business

Here’s the thing: building a successful business requires more than just strategy—it requires building you. Your habits, your routines, your mindset all play a critical role in shaping the results you get in business.

When you take ownership of this truth and start working on yourself, you’ll notice something powerful: your business will start to reflect that growth. You’ll become more confident, more disciplined, and more consistent—and that will show up in the quality of your work and the success of your business.

I see it time and again with clients who come to me feeling stuck. They think they need a better marketing strategy or sales script, but in reality, the biggest shift happens when they work on themselves. And that’s when the real breakthroughs occur.

If this resonates with you and you’re ready to start working on both you and your business, I’ll just say this: it doesn’t have to be a lonely or overwhelming process. There are tools, resources, and communities that can help you accelerate this growth, such as my THINK Framework and the ongoing support in the BFF Club. It’s easier when you’re not doing it alone.

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