Tired of spinning your wheels? You’re done feeling stuck and overwhelmed in your business, knowing you're capable of more but not sure how to get there.

Imagine finally breaking through those barriers and getting clients on demand while building a business that doesn't drain your energy but fuels your life.

The BFF Club is here to take you from “I can’t” to “I just did.”

No fluff. No cookie-cutter advice.

Just the real steps you need to create a profitable business you love! This is your step-by-step roadmap to:

  • Attracting clients who are ready to pay you what you’re worth

  • Executing with confidence instead of second-guessing every decision

  • Building a business that scales while giving you the freedom you crave


Come Inside this Exclusive Club and meet someone new

the person you've always wanted to be


You have an incredibly clear business strategy and a steady stream of clients ... instead of feeling like you're stuck in a cycle of uncertainty and frustration


You have a confident grasp on your niche and a profitable offer

... and a growing audience that genuinely connects with your message

instead of continuing to struggle with attracting the right clients and feeling like your efforts are in vain.

You master the fundamentals of building a successful profitable business so that you are able to consistently grow your income and make a meaningful impact


Imagine going from barely scraping by to running a thriving business where clients seek you out and value your expertise, transforming your financial situation and professional confidence.


A Business Accelerator that will truly help you build a profitable, sustainable business—it's a step-by-step experience where you receive tailored guidance on creating irresistible offers, mastering audience-building techniques, and implementing effective sales strategies. With high-touch coaching, weekly live calls for personalized feedback, access to a comprehensive library of business-building modules, direct support from Liz herself, and a community of like-minded, motivated entrepreneurs, you'll be set to accelerate your success.


  • You know that how far you've come already in building your business is not the limit for you, and you’re ready to push past the barriers that have been holding you back!

  • You realize that success in your business requires more than just knowledge; it involves real, actionable strategies and ongoing support, including refining your niche and consistently attracting your ideal clients.

  • You are in this for the long-haul and are committed to investing time and effort into mastering the fundamentals, knowing that sustained growth comes from a solid foundation and continuous improvement.

  • You understand that achieving your business goals requires a blend of determination, strategic planning, and a supportive community, and you’re ready to engage fully in a program that offers all of this and more.

What’s So Different About the BFF Club?

The BFF Club isn’t just another business program — it’s a game-changer for coaches

and entrepreneurs who want real, lasting success.

Here’s what makes it truly unique:

Proven, Step-by-Step Roadmap

No more guesswork. We give you a clear, actionable plan to build a solid business foundation—one that leads to consistent clients, revenue, and growth. It's not theory; it’s a proven system that works.

Mindset + Strategy = Results

Success isn’t just about knowing the right moves—it’s about having the mindset to make them. We’ll help you break through mental roadblocks so you can confidently execute strategies and see real progress.

Personalized Coaching and Support

Every week, you get live coaching and direct feedback on your business. This isn’t a ‘one-size-fits-all’ program—you’ll receive personalized guidance that’s tailored to your unique challenges.

Real-Time Business Feedback

You won’t just learn—you’ll apply. We help you tweak, refine, and perfect everything from your offers to your sales process, making sure you're always moving toward more profit and impact.

Built for Long-Term Success

We don’t do shortcuts. The BFF Club sets you up with systems that scale, so your business grows with you, not against you. This is about building something that lasts.

Here's the Truth: You Shouldn't Go It Alone

Let's be honest – you really don't (and shouldn't) be going on this journey solo.

You've heard that saying that you're the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with, right? So, how many people do you have around you who are not just cheering you on, but actively doing similar things?

In a world where everyone's chasing comfort, you're here to make an impact. It's time to surround yourself with fellow go-getters who get it.

From Discomfort to Breakthrough Growth

You’re not here for average—you’re here because you know there’s more for you. More clients, more impact, and more freedom. But sometimes, knowing what to do and doing it feels miles apart. The routines and habits that once worked are holding you back, and you're ready for a shift.

This is where the BFF Club steps in. Imagine having a roadmap, a guide to help you break through the noise, take action, and make your vision a reality. Together, we’re not just talking about growth—we’re making it happen. We’ll craft your plan, execute with precision, and celebrate every win. Along the way, you’ll gain the clarity, confidence, and momentum you’ve been craving—plus a community that makes the journey even sweeter.

The BFF Club : Your Complete Business Accelerator

Are you ready to stop spinning your wheels and start building a profitable, sustainable business? The

BFF Club is more than just another program—it’s your all-in-one business accelerator designed to give you everything you need to grow, scale, and thrive.

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been at this for a while, the BFF Club offers a clear, actionable roadmap to get you where you want to be. It combines strategic training, personalized coaching, and a supportive community to make sure you’re never left wondering what your next step should be.

It's simply about getting results

Who is this for?

This is most suitable for coaches and service-based entrepreneurs who want to:

  • Build an Online Profitable Business

  • Lead the life they truly want

  • Enjoy the freedom they've been dreaming of

If you're ready to break free from the comfort zone and build something extraordinary, you're in the right place.

What to Expect inside the BFF Club?


Through weekly live sessions including workshops, done with you and coaching, you'll discover practical strategies and tactics. Focus only on the "needle movers" that give you more freedom in your life and business. No more chasing shiny objects or stopping and starting.


As Tony Robbins says: "Success without fulfilment is the ultimate failure." We're not here to build a prison you don't enjoy. While others teach hustle and endless grind,

we'll build YOUR business, YOUR way, together.


During my first four years of building a coaching business, I overlooked this critical aspect. In this club, we'll laugh and cry together, making this adventure a lot more enjoyable and fun - just like building a business should be.

Imagine what it would be like to KNOW exactly what to do, why and when - all the guess work removed - no overwhelm, confusion or doubt.

That's what being inside the BFF Club Will Give YOU!

Let's breakdown what you get once you are a BFF Club Member!

1. On-Demand Business-Building Modules

Get instant access to six powerful modules that walk you through the business fundamentals step-by-step. These cover everything from mastering your mindset to crafting irresistible offers, building an engaged audience, and developing the right sales strategies. You can dive into these at your own pace, allowing you to learn and implement on your schedule.

2. Ask Liz: Personalized Guidance

Have a question or feeling stuck? With the "Ask Liz" feature, you get direct access to me for tailored advice, feedback, and solutions. This is your chance to get real-time support from someone who’s been where you are and can help you move forward faster. It's like having a business coach in your back pocket.

3. Supportive Entrepreneur Community

Join a thriving community of motivated entrepreneurs who are on the same journey as you. Whether you’re celebrating wins or working through challenges, this is where you’ll find encouragement, accountability, and shared knowledge. No more going it alone—your peers are here to support you every step of the way.

4. Weekly Live Coaching Calls

Every week, we come together for live coaching sessions. These calls are designed to keep you moving forward with clarity and confidence. You'll get personalized feedback, insights on your next steps, and strategies that you can implement right away. Plus, these calls are your opportunity to get in the "hot seat" and receive one-on-one coaching to tackle any roadblocks.

The On Demand Training Module Breakdown


Set yourself up for success

We start with you—because success begins from within. In this module, we redefine what success looks like for you and equip you with proven tools to achieve it. These aren't just theories—they're practical strategies that work when applied. You'll learn how to eliminate doubt, fear, confusion, and overwhelm, so you can move forward with clarity and confidence, ready to build a business that's truly set up for success.


Find and build your audience

Knowing your target audience is one thing— truly understanding them is a game-changer. This is where most businesses fall short. In this module, we go beyond surface-level demographics and dive deep into what your clients really feel, think, and do — and why


By using our unique framework, you'll understand them so thoroughly that when you speak, they feel an instant connection. They'll know you

get them on a level that builds trust and compels them to turn to

you for solutions. This is how you stop chasing clients—and start attracting them.



With my 7-Step Process, we craft an offer so compelling that clients can't help but say "yes." Plus, we dive into the crucial steps that most overlook—what needs to happen before and after the offer to ensure your success.


Know the numbers

You can’t grow what you don’t measure. Business success is all about understanding the metrics that drive your growth. Once you know the industry averages, you'll have a clear target to hit your revenue goals every 90 days. If profitability is your goal, mastering your numbers is essential.



It’s simple. Every successful online business needs three core strategies:

* Audience Growth

* Sales

* Delivery

Each of these strategies has multiple tactics, but here’s where most people get stuck—chasing shiny objects and constantly switching approaches. In this module, we’ll zero in on the right tactic for you, and stick with it until it works. Master these strategies, and you’ll see clients, income, and impact flowing in faster than you thought possible.


bringing it all together

In this final module, we’ll pinpoint exactly where your business stands and chart your path forward. Together, we’ll create a detailed 90-day action plan, so you’re crystal clear on what to do, why you're doing it, and how to navigate any obstacles that arise. Then, it's all about execution—and this is where the weekly coaching calls become your game-changer, ensuring you stay on track and make real progress.

Imagine how confident you will be when you know ahead of time that what you are doing will bring in your audience, allow you to make offers which turn into clients


I had been struggling to make my business profitable for years, trying various programs, courses, and free resources without success. When I joined the BFF Club, even though I had heard some of the concepts before, Liz presented them in a way that just clicked. She helped me refine my niche, perfect my offer, and develop a practical next step that was right for where I was in my business journey. Liz genuinely cares about your success and it shows. I highly recommend working with her!


I feel incredibly blessed to have Liz in my world. The information and coaching she provides not only deliver on their promise—transforming you from a novice with a dream into a seasoned professional and entrepreneur—but also come from a place of deep care and investment in your success. Liz is not just showing you the steps; she’s as committed to your dream as you are. Her support is invaluable, and I consider her the ultimate coach’s coach. I will continue to work with her as my business evolves and grows.


Liz Bloch is an exceptional business coach! Her BFF was incredibly rewarding and provided me with much-needed clarity as I launched my online business. Liz is not only smart, funny, and kind but also goes above and beyond to support her students. I truly appreciate her attentive listening and authentic approach. The time we spent together was invaluable, and the progress she’s helped me achieve in both my life and business is deeply appreciated.


I'm Liz Bloch and I've got the Roadmap to the Profitable Business You've Been Searching for.

Why am I the right person to lead you?

Simple. I’ve been exactly where you are—ambitious, ready to build a coaching business, and believing that hitting $100K would be a walk in the park.

Spoiler alert: It wasn’t.

I did all the right things. I hired the coach, followed the advice, and felt like I worked hard. They promised, "You’ll hit $100K easy!" But guess what? Reality slapped me in the face. I didn’t hit six figures. Heck, I didn’t even hit four.

I ended up investing over $40K just to make that first $1K. Sounds crazy, right? Especially when I was pulling in multi-six figures in my corporate career without breaking a sweat.

So, why couldn’t I crack the code in the coaching world?

I followed all the ‘gurus’, mimicked their every move. And still… crickets.

So, I did something bold.

I landed a job with a 7-figure coach and saw what really goes on behind the scenes. That’s when everything clicked. I found out what so many struggling coaches miss—and trust me, it’s not in the cookie-cutter strategies they sell you.

That revelation became the spark for my Business Fundamentals Foundation (BFF Club) —a club that changes the game for people like you.

Here’s the truth:

To be profitable, you’ve got to set your business up right, from the ground up. Not with some pie-in-the-sky promises, but with real, solid systems that work for you.

Inside the BFF Club, we go way deeper than the typical "know your niche and customer" advice. I'm talking about:

  • Discovering what truly drives your ideal clients—not just their problems, but what makes them tick.

  • Creating your unique 'success recipe'—the magic that turns your expertise into irresistible offers.

  • Connecting your 'why' directly to your profit margins (because why you do it does matter).

  • Building a community and audience that feels organic—no awkward, pushy sales tactics.

  • Setting up sales and delivery systems that actually grow with you, not against you.

  • Adopting the daily habits that successful entrepreneurs use to stay on top (but nobody ever talks about).

This isn’t just about theory—it’s about creating a business that’s built to last.

Ready to stop spinning your wheels and start building something real? Let’s make it happen.

PS I hope you know how much I believe in YOU!


What exactly is the BFF CLUB?

Liz’s BFF Club is a membership program for coaches and service-based entrepreneurs who want more than just theory—they want real results. Inside the BFF Club, you’ll gain access to 6 core business-building modules that break down the key fundamentals you need to build, grow, and scale a profitable business.

These modules aren’t just about what you should do—they teach you why it works and how to implement it, giving you a rock-solid foundation that makes success inevitable.

But that’s not all. You’ll also get weekly live coaching sessions with me (Liz) to troubleshoot, strategize, and keep you on track. Plus, you’ll be surrounded by a supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs all pushing toward their goals.

It's not just about learning—it’s about staying in momentum, getting personalized support, and making consistent progress to create the business and life you truly want.

How much is the Investment? The cost Liz, what's the cost?!?!?!

The BFF Club is just $97 per month—and you can stay as long (or as short) as you like. I’ve priced it this way because I know that when you’re in the early stages of building a profitable business, the last thing you should be stressed about is paying for coaching and support.

My goal is to make this accessible so you can keep showing up, get the guidance, coaching, friendship, and help you need without the financial pressure holding you back.

Who is BFF Club For?

The BFF Club is designed for coaches, service providers, and online business owners who are serious about building their brand and business, but need the support, guidance, and insight to break through to the next level. If you’ve invested in high-ticket programs, purchased countless online courses, and still feel like you're not where you want to be—this is for you.

This membership is perfect if you're ready to stop spinning your wheels and start making real progress by focusing on the inner game—because building a successful business isn’t just about strategy, it’s about evolving into the business owner you need to be.

With over two decades of experience helping businesses start, grow, and scale, I’ve been where you are. The BFF Club is designed to help you shift not only your business tactics but your mindset, so you can finally 'make it' and create the life and business you’ve envisioned.

Will there be replays if I can't make the live call?

Yes and infact these calls are uploaded to our own private podcast so you can listen to them as you go about your day - and you will have access to these for as long as you are an active member.

Can I cancel my membership if it's not right for me?

Absolutely, You can cancel your monthly membership at any time.

What kind of results can I expect from joining the BFF Club?

Results will vary based on your commitment and action, but if you dive in and apply the teachings, here's what you can expect:

Clarity on how to build a profitable and sustainable business

A stronger personal brand that resonates with your ideal clients

Strategies to attract and grow your audience naturally and effectively

A clear path to new growth opportunities in your business

The tools to start living the life and running the business you’ve always dreamed of

Ultimately, the BFF Club is about more than business. It’s about helping you step into the version of yourself you’ve always wanted to be.

Let’s get you there—one step at a time.

Is there direct access to Liz for Personal One to One Coaching?

Yes! As a member, you’ll have opportunities to jump into hot seats and ask questions during the weekly live calls.

If you're looking for dedicated, one-on-one coaching with Liz, that's also an option.

She takes on a limited number of clients for more personalized, in-depth coaching. Reach out here to explore if a one-on-one spot with Liz is available! - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer